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Wounded Flowers by Thomas Fucaloro

Wounded Flowers by Thomas Fucaloro

We asked Thomas Fucaloro about his connection with Charles Bukowski  and he explains through a poem


I think it’s important to love the art
but not necessarily the one birthing
or vomiting it.
 I don’t want to know the painter
just want to know that it has been
 Charles says: Hello, welcome to my wounds,
they are warm and they are read and they are honest
and they are drunk and always
a part
 of the bigger circle
we call a square
the page
a napkin
we wipe our mouths with
to let us know it is ok
to be human
to bleed
to hurt
to love
to make mistakes
and to make new ones
to try
and change
and have change try for us.
What Charles Bukowski has shown me
is that it is ok to be
Thomas Fucaloro.
That it is ok for us to understand and heal
through poetry
through art
through a drunk old man’s fingertips.
(You call them fingertips, I call them flowers.)
I like open-wound-poetry.
I like Charles Bukowski.
I love poets who point the finger
at themselves.


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