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Maria Rodriguez-Morales

Maria Rodriguez Morales

Maria Rodriguez-Morales

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Maria Rodriguez-Morales is a Puerto Rican Writer and Performance Artist born and raised in East New York Brooklyn. Mother of four, she discovered her penchant for self-expression during her adolescent years, while writing songs to a Freestyle beat. Maria has been published in the New York Daily News, Sofrito for Your Soul and “Me No Habla with Acento” an Anthology of Contemporary Latino Poetry. She is an original cast member, Co-Writer and Co-Producer of “Soledad Speaks”. An intergenerational tale performed through monologue and spoken word and produced by Odd Girl in Entertainment. Maria has curated for the NYCLatina Writers Group as well as SPEAK UP! Voces from the Movement as part of El Museo del Barrio’s Speak Up! Spoken Word Series. She has facilitated workshops and open mic’s at her local Boys and Girls Club and is also the Curator and Host of The CreativeINK Open Mic Series. Maria also completed her first book of Poetry titled Brooklyn’s Daughter.Shehas been featured at various venues throughout her beloved New York City. Maria infuses a raw realism of life and lessons wrapped in Spanglish idioms and firmly planted in her Nuyorican roots.

She is a member of the Canvas of Words Poetry Tour that kicks off January 2015.

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